Seeing your baby’s first tooth come in can be exciting. Watching your little cutie grow and flourish fills you with a love you can’t put into words. But there is one downside to teething—the discomfort it causes your baby. Their gums often feel sore and irritated as those teeth pop through. Help keep your child happy with this guide on teething tips and tricks every parent should know!
Recognize the Signs of Teething
Although your little cutie can’t quite talk like we do, that doesn’t mean they can’t communicate with you. Most babies start teething around six months old and may experience a variety of symptoms, including:
- Sore gums
- Increased fussiness
- More desire to chew
- Drooling
If your baby displays several of these signs, there’s a good chance you may soon spot their first tooth! Noting these signs is important because you can begin shopping for different teethers and noting great ways to keep your little cutie comfortable.
Parenting Tip
Medical experts state that teething doesn’t cause higher-grade fevers. If your baby seems to have diarrhea, a fever over 100° F, a runny nose, or other common signs of illness, you should bring them to the doctor. Chances are, it’s unrelated to teething.
Feed them the Right Foods
When babies hit this life stage, their parents have already introduced them to solid foods. You should stick to soft foods so that your baby doesn’t have to try and chew much since that will irritate their gums further.
Baby Soft Foods
Stick to softer foods like oatmeal, yogurt, eggs, and bread. These items are all easy for your baby to eat since they don’t require much chewing. And keeping your baby’s body nourished with these healthy foods ensures their body continues to flourish as they grow into strong and curious toddlers.
Give Baby Frozen Food
Frozen foods can be just as great as soft ones, especially if your baby can suck on them to receive a naturally numbing effect. Many moms make milk popsicles for their babies using breastmilk or formula. You can pour the milk into a popsicle or silicon mold and freeze it; once it freezes, you can pop it out for your child to suck on. Be sure to supervise children when they are eating any frozen or soft foods.
You can also freeze mashed or diced fruits so that your cutie can enjoy something sweet that relieves their inflamed gums. Or you can puree some of your baby’s favorite fruits, mix them into yogurt, and freeze them in silicon molds. This is a healthy and tasty treat your baby will love!
Buy Quality Teethers
Every baby needs a great teether to chomp down on as they battle that urge to bite. Better quality teethers will serve your baby longer and are less likely to break. You can look for this information by reading through customer reviews as you stock up on teethers for your little one.
Easy To Grab
Teethers should also be easy for those little hands to grab and hold onto. Noting this is important because you’ll find all sorts of fun shapes, and as cute as some options may be, they’re not always practical. Although we refer to these items as “teething toys,” they are less of a toy and more of a tool for babies to soothe themselves.
Get Interactive Teethers
Some brands also create interactive or dual purpose teethers for babies. Ryan & Rose have various teethers for sale. You can buy a teether that’s also a rattle or teething toys that have a clip that you can attach to your baby’s clothing, car seat, or anywhere else. Easily keep this must-have within your precious child’s grasp!
Keep Teethers and Pacis Clean
During teething, babies have a stronger desire to put things in their mouths and bite on them. Take time to sanitize all your baby’s teethers and pacifiers to keep things hygienic when they put either of those items in their mouth.
Some materials often used for teethers, such as wood, are naturally antibacterial. Other materials like silicon are popular because they’re easy to clean since they are usually dishwasher safe. Plus, you can freeze silicon to give your baby some extra relief.
Soothe Your Baby
Teething isn’t comfortable; your baby’s gums may feel sore, which can make them cry more as they try to tell you what’s wrong. No parent wants to see their child upset, and sometimes, the best thing you can do is soothe and distract your baby. Try a few things such as:
- Playing a game together
- Giving them a warm bath
- Offering a gum massage
These options all help take your child’s mind off the uncomfortable sensation and can help keep them happy. Babies love baths, and they’re a great way to play with your baby while also tiring them out so they can get some rest.
Plan a Dental Visit
Once your baby’s first tooth arrives, it’s time to visit the dentist! Talk with your dentist and see if they have recommendations for pediatric dental experts or if they accept baby patients.
Wipe Away Drool
During this life stage, babies often drool more than normal, and you may feel like you’re always wiping their chin. Many parents also have their teething baby regularly wear a bib, which makes it easier to wipe that drool away.
Talk to the Pediatrician
On occasion, you may need to visit the doctor for professional help soothing your baby. Occasionally, pediatricians will prescribe pain medicine to an infant so that they can properly rest and eat. Never give your baby medication without first consulting the doctor.
With the right teething tricks every parent should know, it becomes easier to tend to your teething baby. Keep your baby happy and flourishing as their first set of teeth grows! Reach out to Ryan and Rose for more tips on how to keep your baby happy and healthy when teething. Our products are designed with your child in mind.